FIA World Endurance Championship

Williams Advanced Engineering Confirmed As Ginetta LMP1 Aerodynamics Consultants

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Ginetta is delighted to confirm the appointment of Williams Advanced Engineering as the aerodynamic testing provider for their forthcoming Ginetta LMP1 car. The Oxfordshire-based team will provide wind tunnel services to the Ginetta LMP1 project.

Williams will work in parallel with Adrian Reynard’s Auto Research Centre (ARC) on the CFD of the project. A number of CFD runs have already taken place, with the aerodynamics element of the project set to commence in early June.

Ewan Baldry, Ginetta Technical Director; “We are thrilled to be working with Williams on the aerodynamics elements of the Ginetta LMP1 project. The have an impressive facility, which can run the Ginetta LMP1 model at a full range of ride heights, roll angles and yaw position and it’s fantastic to know the Ginetta LMP1 has the opportunity to be tested in the same wind tunnel which has helped Williams win multiple F1 titles.”

As the technology and engineering services business of the Williams Group, Williams Advanced Engineering are renowned for providing world class innovation in engineering and technology, operational performance, testing and manufacturing services.


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