
Asia becomes key market for Audi R8 LMS

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Audi Sport customer racing Asia has delivered around a quarter of the worldwide production volume of the Audi R8 LMS, making Asia a key market for the GT3 car.

In July, the plant in Neckarsulm, Germany produced the 200th Audi R8 LMS since the car was launched with the brand’s customer racing programme in 2009. 49 of these cars were delivered by Audi Sport customer racing Asia, including 41 units, which have been sold to racing teams competing in the Audi R8 LMS Cup. The pan-Asian sprint race series was launched in 2012 together with the regional motorsport unit at Audi China.

“The success of the Audi R8 LMS and our customer racing programme in Asia underscores the importance of the region as a growth market for motorsport”, said Bernd Goeres, Director of Audi Sport customer racing Asia.

In 2016, the Audi R8 LMS Cup has entered its fifth season with 15 all-new second-generation Audi R8 LMS, which race alongside the previous year’s Cup model. The growth of regional competitions like GT Asia Series has further spurred deliveries.

Phoenix Racing Asia and KC Motorgroup (KCMG) joined Absolute Racing as service providers for the 2016 Audi R8 LMS Cup, emphasising the increased attractiveness of the Asian platform for renowned motorsport outfits. Phoenix Racing Asia also fields two new Audi R8 LMS in this year’s GT Asia Series.

Audi is also closely cooperating with ambitious privateer teams such as J-Fly Racing from Taiwan and Thailand-based team B-Quik Racing.


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